
The website www.seelbach-online.de is the official information platform of the village of Seelbach in the Black Forest. There may be other websites with similar domain names, which, however, are not related to our website.


Gemeinde Seelbach

Local Government
Hauptstraße 7
77960 Seelbach
Represented by the mayor, Mr. Thomas Schäfer

Responsible for the content

Gemeinde Seelbach
Local Government

Responsible for editorial matters

Elke Albrecht-Pelz
Hauptstraße 7
77960 Seelbach

Technical implementation

team mcs GmbH
Tretenhofstr. 49
77960 Seelbach

Copyright, Responsibility, Liability

The layout of this website and the graphic items and images as well as all editorial contributions are subject to the provisions of the copyright law. These pages may only be reproduced for private purposes. It is not allowed to make modifications, to distribute copies or to use them in publications. The single contributions displayed on the website www.seelbach-online.de shall be deemed to be protected by the copyright law.

The Local Government of Seelbach reserves the right to modify or complete the information provided on this website without prior announcement.

The provision of this information shall not be deemed to constitute an offer engaging the Local Government of Seelbach to enter into agreement of any kind, relating for example to information or consultancy services. The provider does not accept any responsibility for the use of the provided information, the accuracy of the content or the availability of this website.

Therefore, the Local Council shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from unavailable services, data losses or losses of income due to the use of documents or information displayed on this website. 


The creation of a link towards a third party website does not mean that the Local Government of Seelbachendorses the information, allegations or opinionsprovided or expressed on linked websites. It is exclusively the respective author who shall be held responsible for the content of a third party website. 


On this website we use our own images and some photographs sourced from Pixelio.

Privacy Policy

Please clic Datenschutz, to read our full privacy policy statement.

Gemeinde Seelbach

Hauptstr. 7
77960 Seelbach


Culture and Tourist Information Office

Hauptstr. 7
77960 Seelbach

Naturpark Schwarzwald

© Gemeinde Seelbach 2024

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